Saturday, September 8, 2012

A Tale Of Two Conventions

Now that both party conventions are in the history books we can compare and contrast their effectiveness. The GOP had the tough task of going first, but did a very good job of introducing Ann Romney and Paul Ryan. The off the cuff routine by Clint Eastwood was the most bizarre moment in convention history. To the medias credit, they did not dwell on the chair routine as much as I expected. I think everyone is in agreement that an 82 year old Clint Eastwood should get a pass. What was more troubling was the fact that the GOP would allow this to happen. As for as Mitt Romney's performance, I would have to give him an A. He is not known for giving good speeches or showing passion, he did a little of both on that Thursday night.

On to the DNC. This convention was the direct opposite of the republicans. It seemed that they took a page out of Karl Rove's playbook and doubled down on their base. From the amount of talk about abortion and womens rights you would have thought that this was the 1972 convention. After taking a look back at this approach I think it was the right thing to do for the party. They are obviously having trouble firing up the base and getting the same enthusiasm as they did in 2008. There also needed to be more than another President Obama speech. They remedied this by having the first lady and President Clinton deliver magnificent speeches. While we already knew their stories, they kind of reintroduced themselves. Bill Clinton gave a very straight forward speech. It was almost like he was sitting with you in your living room having a chat. President Obama lived up to the expectations once again. While it was not as grand as his election night speech in 2008, he made a great case for reelection.    

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