Mitt Romney has once again given the democrats a line of attack. According to a New York Times/CBS poll 85 percent of Americans support the part of Obamacare that guarantee's health coverage for those with pre-existing conditions. To make things worse for Romney, the law that he is attacking is similar to the one he signed into law as governor of Massachusetts. Romney should spend most of his time hammering home his message on jobs and the economy. He's right, there is a jobs problem in the country and the economy is recovering at a slow rate. But will taking away health coverage from people help that problem? How productive is someone who can get medicine for their high blood pressure? How much work can you get done if you can't get insulin for your diabetes? With the number one concern being the economy, why would Romney even talk about anything else? Taking a look back at his political career you will see this same pattern. It's a pre-existing condition that he has never been treated for. Kind of ironic.