Friday, May 18, 2012

Why negative ad's will never go away

How is it even news that there is a anti-Obama super pac that wants to use Rev. Wright "like McCain should have"? These pac's will go away when there are no more disagreements on policy, no more rich people and when there are no more politics. These types of groups will also keep forming because to a certain extent they work. Everyone knows the commercials; Willie Horton, Swift Vets and my favorite one from 2008 "3 A.M.". These ad's are only as good as the candidate though. They are intended to cast a shadow and muddy the waters. I don't think there is a problem with this group making attack ad's, I think the problem is that everyone already knows about Rev. Wright and they do seem to care. This may be due to the religious aspect of the argument. If Rev. Wright is fair game, what about the things that radical Mormons have said? In closing, "Wright" idea, wrong topic.

1 comment:

  1. Had to put a link to the 3AM ad.
