The naming of John Kerry as Secretary of State was met with little resistance in Washington. For good reason, the job is perfect for the former presidential nominee. Kerry had little problem acting presidential back in 2004. It was a role that he had coveted since meeting John F Kennedy in the early sixties. What Kerry lacked though, was a backbone to stand behind his decisions. As a seasoned Senator, Kerry had been around so long that he eventually took both sides on many key issues. He was a career politician, like most elected officials it was his job to get re-elected. Not to stick his feet in the sand and sink.
This job is different; it utilizes the skills that Kerry perfected in the so called 'backrooms full of smoke'. The art of compromise, wheeling and dealing and any other phrase you want to use is infinitely valuable in foreign relations. His recent work in Iraq is responsible and knowledgeable. Kerry is a likable guy, there is no question that he has seen the entire world and understands the international community. So, for all the short comings and jokes from after the 2004 campaign, Kerry has resurrected himself in history's eyes. After losing a presidential bid, candidates either become the elephant in the room or in severe cases they become Al Gore. Kerry has bypassed that embarrassment and become what he should have sought in the first place. Here's to redemption.